I had the honor of being one of the speakers at his memorial service. Some random thoughts: Sheboygan, obviously being a good place to live, seems to be a good place to die, too. The number of friends and neighbors who swarmed Marci and the twins was unbelievable. They had the right mix of hugging, sympathy, etc. with digging in and getting shit done. Rev. Jim and Rev. Julia (UCC) were and are incredible. Troy and Marci's families, you guessed it, fantastic.
Terribly, terribly sad--but I think I left the service somehow feeling uplifted, and motivated. Weird, but what else can you do?
Damn. I'll miss this guy. Rev. Jim said it best: "He was the coolest guy we knew." More than a few beers were shared over deep conversations. Enjoy seeing the universe, buddy. We'll keep an eye on the kids, that's what the neighborhood is for, right?